Wednesday, November 21, 2007

92. Is That My Child? - ADHD book

The book ‘Is That My Child?’ by Dr Robin Pauc is helping me stick to a healthy diet, but I am abysmally slow at reading it. I’m only up to Chapter 3 after heaven knows how long – over a year I think.

He says in Chapter 3 that the labels given to conditions are really only the symptoms, and that instead of calling it ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, tourettes or OCD, he calls them all Developmental Delay Syndrome. DDS encompasses several or all the symptoms that children (and adults) have, but of course I still have to use the traditional terms, because that’s what people will be searching for in search engines.


Archbeship Anthony said...


Today, Wed 12th May, I did a talk on Living With Autistic Spectrum Condition for my local Church, it went very. I firmly believe that the MOST IMPORTANT THING is [Put the Person First, and the Condition Second] as well as trying to help the person discover what it means for them.

I will be writing about it on my own Blog [Anthony's Dashing Views]

Paula said...

Thanks for your comment Anthony. I didn't know this blog got traffic other than my family and friends!

amrittheyogi said...

Well here is someone else who is not just a family member or friend (yet)!

One day scientists/psychiatrists will find a gene for everything. I have been diagnosed with ADD but don't over associate with the label. Yes there are certain shared characteristics or manifestations but who's the individual beyond the label?

If you know how to work with the condition you can make the symptoms mild and ‘compensate’ for your weaknesses whilst you capitalize on your strengths.

If you are interested in trying some free meditations that may help go to (not just helpful for ADD) All best wishes, Amrit

Paula said...

Thanks for your comment. On your video you say ADD for adults and ADHD for kids. Adults can have the H too! The hyperactivity part can be a racing mind, not just literally running around. I used to talk over people til I taught myself not to, but I still find myself racing when speaking and say the words the wrong way round.

The meditations are free? I read they're $35 as part of your product. Is that not right?

amrittheyogi said...

Dear Paula,
Yes i apprecaite that the 'H' can also be there with adults as well.
If you sign up in the box on the left of the video you should be sent a link to the free meditation and a free 45 minute consultation should you want this option. If after signing in you are not sent a link to the meditation please let me know. I apologise for any problems you are encountering
All best wishes, Amrit

Paula said...

OK thanks a lot