I'm gonna be using this blog as a diary during the Thirty Day Challenge, so it may include some unrelated stuff too, as real life is going on simultaneously.
Spent all morning researching Twitter, as Asbjorn says it's good. I believe it saves you time doing certain things, but as those things are stuff I've also yet to learn, I'm a bit flumoxed. I went to a page that seems to have lots of Twitter add-ons, so reading through that lot confused me even more. I guess it only makes sense to Twitter veterans.
I hope it gets you free traffic, and that Ed will explain this in a video on the 30DCIII.
Installed my new compact camera and downloaded all 1GB of the test photos. I WON'T be using the digital zoom after all - just the 6x optical zoom. There was less noise from the recent (drink driving) NASA takeoff than on these so called 40x zoom photos. Really pleased with the macro shots though.
Since I added my new Graphics tablet I've got this annoying little toolbar that shows up on EVERY screen, even when viewing photos on the slideshow! So I had to ask the seller how to get rid of it, as it's driving me nuts.
I also read about Google Notebook and downloaded that, and downloaded Scribefire which helps when blogging, I'm told - another two Firefox Add-ons. I couldn't find SEO for Firefox, and I looked for it for ages. Didn't have time to see if anyone else on the forum had trouble finding it too. I also had to reinstall Stumble Upon, as yesterday Explorer was my default browser, and the toolbar attached itself to that, not Firefox, Today I made Firefox my default browser, so I'm singing from the same hymn sheet - (even if I may be a bit out of tune).
And another thing is I have to watch each of Ed's video a minimum of twice, and some three times. Even though he's taking us through baby steps, as I'm still on unfamiliar territory - and this ALWAYS happens - the information seems too fast for me.
It's bananas because once anything's 'clicked' with me, I'll actually get impatient if I have to go over any of them, and I'll be thinking "yeah yeah, I know this - next!" (like a spoilt brat).
I know I went from one extreme to the other all the time at school too. Teachers seeming way too fast or way too slow depending on how much I understood. So once Twitter 'clicks' I'll be fine, but til then I'm the Twit.
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