Sunday, July 29, 2007

60. 30DC Diary

Another thing I am doing in relation to any products I make in the 30DCIII is using a pseudonym; a pen name. This will be the same for Twitter messages and blogs, for now.

It was suggested we do this on last year’s Thirty Day Challenge, so that if and when we come to sell the site, we can sell the whole lot, lock stock and barrel.

Today after I spent most of the day photographing classic cars (and it was sunny, thank heavens), I installed Session Manager, Fleck, Firebug, Search Status, SEO for Firefox and Twitterbar – all more Firefox add-ons, and I signed up with Bloglines.

Watched more of Ed’s videos, and took ages sorting out a problem with iTunes, but Asbjorn helped me on Skype, saving me a lot of time.

Then I logged into twitter and decided to follow some people I know who were doing the 30 Day Challenge, forgetting that I’m logged in under my pseudonym, and they won’t know who the hell I am. Never mind.

Discovered I’m already signed up with Facebook under my real name, so added some friends on that too.

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