Friday, August 03, 2007

65. 30 Day Challenge Day 3

Checked my emails this morning, and Lisa confirmed on Facebook that it was her in the photo, and she added a comment, so she mustn't mind me using it. She reminded me that she won the trip to the Aston Martin racing day with Yanik Silver.

Had to meet a new client and check out his stock. This took most of the day, so I just watched two of yesterday’s videos again on the 30DC. I kept pausing them and did exactly what Ed did, just to satisfy myself that I could. Last year Caro told me that she watched the videos twice, then did the task herself, and went back to the videos as and when she needed to. That seems to work for me too.

And Ed has highlighted the cursor so it’s easy to follow along. I kept having to force myself to not go off and look at more niches, as more ideas came to me. I just wrote the ideas down and plan to check them out tomorrow.

Didn’t look at today’s stuff, as the UK only got them quite late anyway, as they were released lunchtime in the US. So I’ll go to town on them tomorrow. I think a lot of the month I’ll be a day behind, as I can usually get more work done in the mornings, but that won’t be a problem.

BTW, I’m changing the formats of the titles so they’re different versions of the phrase 30 Day Challenge on purpose, so that whatever people type in, they have a chance of finding me. I typed in ‘30DCIII blog’ the other day, and mine was the only one that showed up!

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