Two of my Tumblr pages have been deleted simply because they had ‘How To’ in the title. I put up a short article and some of my own artwork on both pages, but the owner Marco has indiscriminately deleted sites involved with the Thirty Day Challenge. I’m not the slightest bit surprised, as there are so many thousands of people doing it.
But Ed says he’s hoping to talk to them. They have jumped to conclusions that we are all affiliate marketing spammers but we are selling quality information. They haven’t touched my main phrase page, but it doesn’t have a ‘How To’ in it. I have been back though and deleted all the affiliate links though, so they don’t delete it, but I’ll put them back when it’s all blown over.
Tumblr have shot themselves in the foot by deleting all the 30DC sites and directing traffic (who want all this niche info) to Tumblr’s home page.
Google won’t like that and could penalize Tumblr for sending honest searchers to a dud page with no info.
As I’ve put a lot of hard work into this, I bought a domain name and plan to host it myself. This may be a premature move – but even after the 30DC I could do with my own site on the subject. And at least I’ll have somewhere more permanent to direct readers of my Ezine article.
The point of the 30 Day Challenge though is to earn $10 in 30 days, by spending no money, but never mind.
Many people are setting up Blogger blogs instead. I’m sure Google who owns Blogger aren’t going to be that bothered as long as they contain good quality info. And with Adsense on there, they should be laughing.
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