Monday, August 06, 2007

69. More ADHD symptoms

Still taking an age to read ‘Is That My Child?’ by Dr Robin Pauc. I’m just reading it when I can’t sleep, because I get on better with audio books, as I’m such a slow reader.

I’m still near the beginning and I got to the part where it says that kids with dyslexia and dyspraxia are sensititve to light, and that they also have difficulty holding a pen to write. It’s uncanny, as I see myself on every page.

I always have to wear sunglasses even when it’s cloudy, and the more tired I am, the worse my sensitivity to light is. And it wasn’t until I was twelve that I started to hold a pen properly, when a teacher taught me how to. Before then, I used to hold it as in the photo. And pressing down hard when writing is also characteristic of dyspraxia. I still do that!

The more I learn about the condition(s), the more I am convinced that I am a text book case. When I was diagnosed, they only touched the surface. To read on some websites that there are people who believe dyslexia is a myth, is quite astonishing, when people like Dr Pauc, and Wynford Dore have put years of study into the condition, and proved time and time again the definitive patterns that these kids follow. The non believers are simply ignorant.

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