Wynford Dore (white shirt) speaking with Presentation attendees
Tonight I went along to the presentaion for adults in Cardiff. My main objectives for the evening were to find out if vertigo could be cured by the Dore Programme, hear the founder, Wynford Dore speak and hear former Dore attendee, rugby star Kenny Logan speak.
The bad news is that no, the Dore Centre cannot cure vertigo - And Kenny wasn’t there. I was also informed by two of the speakers that my cerebellum exercises would need to be more structured in order to work properly. (I needed to be told!)
However, I was very pleased with the information I got. I asked my question about vertigo, and was directed to Dr Roy Rutherford who is based at the main DDAT (UK) Centre in Warwickshire, who said vertigo symptoms may be reduced by the Dore Programme but not cured completely. He also said that vertigo was not a symptom of ADHD, as it is a condition on its own. I was confusing vertigo with ‘balance disorder’ in my earlier post (now amended to Travel Sickness), and they are different. I may just have a balance disorder, which could be treated, so that's good news.
Headmaster, Trevor Davies kicked off the evening by telling us how pupils at his school benefitted from the Dore Programme. Then Wynford Dore, the founder, went into more depth of what his researchers had found.
Professor David Reynolds, Professor of Education at the University of Plymouth also spoke, and all three speakers answered many questions at the end.
Wynford Dore was very helpful, and he didn’t mind me taking his photo. I had several questions asking him to elaborate on certain points from the presentaion and he said he would send me further information.I’ll type my notes up tomorrow and report some of what was covered during the presentation, and learn how to add a photo!
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