Back to juggling. I decided to start at such a basic level, a two year old could probably manage it! I threw a ball up only about six inches with my right hand. Nine times out of ten, I could manage that, but I did it in front of my bed, as I was sick of the 10% of times when I’d have to keep picking the blasted things off the floor.
The percentage was much, much higher with my left hand! In fact again, I was abysmal. And yet, I did improve! Slowly. Because I have ADHD my attention spans are poor at best, so I wanted to jump start things a bit. I did a search for 'How To Juggle' and found several sites with clear instructions. I was now bored with just throwing a ball up six inches, so I tried to juggle two balls. Hopeless, of course. BUT get this: after I’d been hopeless for ten minutes at juggling, I went back to humble throwing – and voila! The balls were actually going where I wanted them to! ??? Go figure!
Like I said before, it seems that when you go away and come back, the improvements are more noticeable. I wonder if the staff at the Dore Centre are familiar with this concept? I have also noticed that I throw in a much more relaxed way, whereas before my arms were working way too hard!
Although I'm learning slowly, if I were to keep up my efforts for ten minutes twice a day for a whole year, as on the Dore Programme, I'm certain that I would see a big difference.
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