Sunday, March 12, 2006

6. My Humble Cerebellum Exercises Part3

Again, despite improving at my own exercises, it seemed to be happening very slowly. I got bored and needed a new exercise. I still kept up with the fingers, but wanted a new exercise as well. So I thought again of the lady who peeled carrots with her feet, and decided to move toes that I formerly couldn’t. This was where I really got excited that I wasn’t beyond help!

I could already move the big toe on my right foot about 9mm away from the second toe, no problem at all. But I could not move the big toe on my left foot at all. I tried for ten minutes at a time every hour one Saturday. All day I willed it to move; nothing.

As soon as I got up the next day, I did it! It moved about 5mm! And it was really weird. It didn’t move at the same time that I willed it to. It moved about a second afterwards, and it moved in a slow, mechanical way – to the right and back, as if it were being operated by remote control!

The other thing I noticed, I could not FEEL it move. It was like I was watching it on film – what’s all that about?!! Even now, there’s little feeling, and it’s not as instantaneous as my right one, but a lot better. I guess I should now try making each toe dance like my fingers can!

Strangely, I’d find that I seemed to show much bigger signs of improvement at the beginning of a new session, than after continuously working hard at it. I maybe improved a small amount within a ten minute session, yet an hour later, the first exercise I attempted was a huge leap in comparison! Maybe when the pressure is off, you do better. I guess that comes down again, to being more relaxed.

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