Thursday, March 16, 2006

9. The Difference Between ADD and ADHD

When I visited the Dore Centre, I was told that they are the same. I had naively thought that ADD applied to adults, and ADHD to children!

ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and I thought, “There’s no way I’m hyperactive” (because I felt so TIRED all the time!)

When I answered the questions my Dore Centre assessor gave me, he said I had ADHD. So I said I didn’t think I was hyperactive, but we’re not talking about bodies here, are we? We’re talking about minds. The fact that I’d ticked ‘Yes’ to the questions ‘Are you easily distracted?’, ‘Do you talk over people?’ and ‘Are you impatient?’ meant that the hyperactivity bit applies to me too.

I often used to talk over people, but was shouted at for doing it when I was at university, so I’m much more aware now. The reason I did it is clear to me now when I sometimes nearly do it!

It’s because the other person is either speaking slowly and I get impatient and try to finish off their sentences, or it’s because I believe the other person isn’t listening, or hasn’t understood what I’ve said, and I feel that they need me to get them back on the right track. In this case, I’m a lot more polite than I used to be, and wait for an opportune moment to tactfully steer them back, rather than just interrupting. I also listen a lot more now. But I also do still slip up sometimes too!

A much better distinction between ADD and ADHD is available at:

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